PM Vishwakarma Scheme: Union Cabinet approves to support traditional artisans and craftspeople of India
PM Vishwakarma Scheme: The PM Vishwakarma scheme is approved by the Union Cabinet on Wednesday, one day after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s announcement. In five years, this program will spend 13,000 crore rupees. The program’s goal is to offer workers who are involved in skilled job loans with low interest rates.
The new Central Sector Scheme “PM Vishwakarma” with a financial outlay of Rs. 13,000 crore for a period of five years (FY 2023-24 to FY 2027-28) was approved today by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, which is presided over by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.
The program aims to support and foster the family-based practice of traditional skills by craftsmen and craftspeople using their hands and tools, or the Guru-Shishya parampara. The program also aims to increase the value and accessibility of the goods and services provided by artists and craftspeople as well as to make sure that the Vishwakarmas are included in both local and international value chains.
The PM Vishwakarma scheme offers recognition to artisans and crafters through the PM Vishwakarma certificate and ID card, as well as credit support up to Rs. 1 lakh (First Tranche) and Rs. 2 lakh (Second Tranche) at a 5% concessionary interest rate. The Scheme would also offer marketing assistance, toolkit incentives, skill upgradation, and incentives for digital transactions.
The program would offer assistance to Indian artisans and crafters in both urban and rural locations. Under PM Vishwakarma, 18 traditional trades will first be covered.
These 18 trades include (i) Carpenter (Suthar); (ii) Boat Maker; (iii) Armourer; (iv) Blacksmith (Lohar); (v) Hammer and Tool Kit Maker; (vi) Locksmith; (vii) Goldsmith (Sonar); (viii) Potter (Kumhaar); (ix) Sculptor (Moortikar, stone carver), Stone breaker; (x) Cobbler(Charmkar)/ Shoesmith/Footwear artisan; (xi) Mason (Rajmistri); (xii) Basket/Mat/Broom Maker/Coir Weaver; (xiii) Doll & Toy Maker (Traditional); (xiv) Barber (Naai); (xv) Garland maker (Malakaar); (xvi) Washerman (Dhobi); (xvii) Fishing Net Maker; and (xviii) Tailor (Darzi).
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