OPSC ASO Results Declares, Check opsc.gov.in
OPSC ASO Result declares today on November 7. Also OPSC ASO Cut Off 2022 will be released later. The OPSC ASO Written exam results candidates can check the official website opsc.gov.in. The Assistant Section Officer of Roll List of Provisionally Qualified Candidates for the Document Verification and Skill Test in connection with Recruitment to the Posts (Advt. No. 26 of 2021-22)
OPSC ASO Results :1104 Candidates provisionally qualified
The OPSC have conducted Written examination for recruitment to the post of Assistant Section Officer, pursuant to Advertisement No. 26 of 2021-22 on 27.08.2022. On the basis of the said examination , 1104 no . of candidates have provisionally qualified to appear for the Document Verification at the Office of the Commission which will be conducted from 14.11.2022 to 18.11.2022.

The list of Roll Numbers of these candidates is available at the Website of the Commission website www.opsc.gov.in It is also made clear that the candidature of these candidates for the above recruitment is purely provisional. The candidature is liable for rejection in the event. of inadequacy / deficiency found at any stage before or after the verification of original certificates / documents and is subject to fulfilment of terms & conditions laid down in the Advertisement.
The detailed Programme for Verification Original Certificates / Documents will be notified later . Similarly , the detailed programme for the Computer Skill Test . likely to be conducted on 27.11.2022 , will be notified later. The candidates are advised to visit the website of the Commission at www.opsc.gov.in regularly to keep track of publication of various notices to this effect .
Notably, OPSC ASO Exam 2022 was conducted on August 27, 2022. The ASO exam was earlier postponed due to heavy rains in all parts of the state.
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